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What Companies Are Fueling The Progress In Natural Language Processing? Moving This Branch Of AI Past Translators And Speech-To-Text

AFP via Getty Images Key takeaways
  • Natural language processing (NLP) is a subset of artificial intelligence that
  • uses linguistics and machine learning models to allow computers to process human language. As time goes on, these machines are getting better with sentiment analysis and intent classification tools
  • We experience the power of NLP in our daily lives, even if we don't realize it. We see NLP in action when we search for something online, use predictive text, interact with chatbots or ask our smart assistant in the living room to change the song
  • Revolutionary tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E 2 are setting new standards for the capabilities of NLP. These tools use NLP to store information and provide detailed responses to inputs
  • Chatbots have exploded in popularity in recent months, and there's a growing buzz surrounding the field of artificial intelligence and its various subsets. Natural language processing (NLP) is the subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses machine learning technology to allow computers to comprehend human language.

    AI has many applications, including everything from self-driving cars to AI-driven investing. If you're curious about what AI can do for your portfolio, download the Q.Ai app to get started.

    Natural language processing applications have moved beyond basic translators and speech-to-text with the emergence of ChatGPT and other powerful tools. We will look at this branch of AI and the companies fueling the recent progress in this area.

    What's natural language processing all about?

    Natural language processing (NLP) is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses linguistics, machine learning, deep learning and coding to make human language comprehensible for machines. Natural language processing is a computer process enabling machines to understand and respond to text or voice inputs. The goal is for the machine to respond with text or voice as a human would.

    The long-term objective of NLP is to help computers understand sentiment and intent so that we can move beyond basic language translators. This subset of AI focuses on interactive voice responses, text analytics, speech analytics and pattern and image recognition. One of the most popular uses right now is the text analytics segment since companies globally use this to improve customer service by analyzing consumer inputs.

    The potential for NLP is formidable. According to Fortune Business Insights, the global market size for natural language processing could reach $161.81 billion by 2029. Market research conducted by IBM in 2021 showed that about half of businesses were utilizing NLP applications, many of which were in customer service.

    How are businesses using NLP to improve operations?

    The primary benefit of NLP solutions for businesses is to use automation to cut costs and improve business operations to maximize productivity and profitability. Here are a few ways that NLP is being utilized right now by businesses globally:

  • Redacting sensitive data. Industries such as insurance, legal and healthcare use NLP technology to redact personal information and protect sensitive data instead of manually going through documents.
  • Customer service. Not only is NLP technology used to offer customer service chatbots that sound more human-like, but companies then have this data extracted and analyzed to improve the customer experience.
  • Business analytics. Companies use NLP solutions to analyze sentiment and gather actionable insights from customer feedback.
  • What are examples of natural language processing in our daily lives?

    You may be using NLP services daily without even noticing it. We enjoy more and more of these technological benefits as they advance. Here are some common examples of NLP:

  • Spam email filters: These filters determine what kind of messages reach your inbox based on results from text classification tools.
  • Smart assistants: Amazon's Alexa and Apple's Siri are perfect examples of machines processing natural human language. These smart assistants determine patterns in voice recognition to provide a helpful response based on context.
  • Search engines: When you search for something, the NLP technology offers suggestions to complete your query while using sentiment analysis to determine the results the search engine produces.
  • Predictive text: While we've likely become accustomed to this feature, the predictive text has improved drastically. It's used by applications like Grammarly and Gmail's Smart Compose, which even finishes your sentences for you.
  • Customer service chatbots: Whenever you speak to a customer service chatbot through a website, you see the power of NLP. These services are getting better with time.
  • We also can't ignore the role of AI and NLP in everyday services like streaming platforms and e-commerce websites (Amazon), where it feels like our results are customized by someone who knows us.

    What companies are fueling the progress in natural language processing?

    While almost every business has to use some form of NLP and AI in its operations, some companies are fueling the recent progress in these technologies. Here are five companies in this space to keep an eye on.


    Microsoft has been making headlines lately since the company reportedly invested $10 billion in OpenAI, the startup behind DALL-E 2 and ChatGPT. These two tools alone have changed the entire landscape of AI and NLP innovations as the improvements bring this technology to the general public in new, exciting ways.

    Microsoft Azure is the exclusive cloud provider for ChatGPT, and this platform also offers many services related to NLP. Some services include sentiment analysis, text classification, text summarization and entailment services.


    While IBM has generally been at the forefront of AI advancements, the company also offers specific NLP services. IBM allows you to build applications and solutions that use NLP to improve business operations.

    One of the revenue streams for the company is the IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding service which uses deep learning to derive meaning from unstructured text data. On the Watson website, IBM touts that users have seen a 383% ROI over three years and that companies can increase productivity by 50% by reducing their time on information-gathering tasks.


    The significance of AI and NLP is felt at almost every level of Amazon's business. You may have used the Alexa device to put on your favorite song or found the perfect product on the e-commerce platform based on a recommendation. These are AI and NLP in action.

    Amazon also offers Amazon Web Services (AWS) for cloud storage so businesses can complete their digital transformations. They also have Amazon Comprehend, an NLP service that uses machine learning to determine text's significance. The Comprehend service also offers sentiment analysis and custom segmentation so customers can add NLP to their apps.


    When discussing AI, you can't forget about the first insurance company fully Google

    Even though Alphabet, the parent company of Google, recently revealed that it would be cutting 12,000 employees worldwide, they're also planning on launching 20 new products. Google has already offered a small sample group an exclusive look at a tool that will eventually be a competitor to ChatGPT, known as Bard. This chatbot is

    The biggest issue for Google is that they want to offer an AI-powered chatbot that's safe, tackles misinformation, and shares factually accurate information. Google has been investing heavily in AI, and it's no secret that management wants to bring the company back to the forefront of this field. You can see Google utilizing NLP technology in every aspect of its business, including spam filters, predictive text when writing emails, search engines and translation tools.

    How can you invest in NLP and AI?

    If you're a proponent of machine learning, there are many different ways to invest in AI and related technologies. There aren't companies that only focus on AI in the same way that Tesla focuses on EVs or Nike focuses on athletic wear because every successful business relies on some form of AI. You can, however, invest in major tech companies since they're becoming increasingly invested in AI. With Amazon relying on AI on everything from the Alexa device to powering the warehouses, this is one company that's all in.

    OpenAI is projected to generate $1 billion in revenue in 2024. While you can't invest directly in OpenAI since they're a startup, you can invest in Microsoft or Nvidia. Microsoft's Azure will be the exclusive cloud provider for the startup, and most AI-based tools will rely on Nvidia for processing capabilities. In recent weeks, shares of Nvidia have shot up as the stock has been a favorite of investors looking to capitalize on this field.

    You don't have to look any further if you want to see the capabilities of AI in investing. Q.Ai uses AI to offer investment options for those who don't want to be tracking the stock market daily. The good news is that Q.Ai also takes the guesswork out of investing if you want a hands-off approach. Check out the Emerging Tech Kit if you're a proponent of innovative technology.

    The bottom line

    Natural language processing and artificial intelligence are changing how businesses operate and impacting our daily lives. Significant advancements will continue with NLP using computational linguistics and machine learning to help machines process human language. As businesses worldwide continue to take advantage of NLP technology, the expectation is that they will improve productivity and profitability.

    Download Q.Ai today for access to AI-powered investment strategies.

    Virtual English Learning Tools Used By Top Online Tutors

    In today's digital age, online English tutoring has emerged as a game-changer, empowering learners worldwide to improve their language skills from the comfort of their homes or anywhere with an internet connection. As the demand for virtual learning soars, top online tutors are harnessing the power of cutting-edge tools to deliver engaging, personalized, and effective English language instruction.

    These innovative platforms are revolutionizing the way we approach language acquisition, offering interactive, multimedia-rich experiences that cater to diverse learning styles and proficiency levels.

    Key Trends in Online English Tutoring

    The online tutoring landscape has undergone a remarkable transformation, driven by technological advancements and changing educational needs. One significant trend is the rise of specialized courses and short-term learning modules tailored to specific goals, such as exam preparation or business English proficiency. Moreover, the integration of advanced technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and mobile applications has opened up new avenues for immersive, on-the-go learning experiences.

    Additionally, the increasing globalization of the workforce has fueled the demand for effective online English learning solutions. As companies expand their operations across borders, the need for employees with strong English communication skills becomes paramount. This has led to a surge in corporate language training programs that leverage virtual tools to provide convenient and accessible English instruction to employees worldwide. Top Online English tutors and educational institutions are partnering with businesses to offer customized, industry-specific language courses that align with companies' needs and objectives.

    Top Virtual Tools for English Learning Coursera and Perfectly Spoken

    Platforms like Coursera and Perfectly Spoken offer comprehensive English language courses with a variety of teaching aids to cater to different learning preferences. From video lectures and interactive quizzes to specialized tracks for exams like TOEFL and IELTS, these platforms provide a well-rounded learning experience.

    WizIQ and TutorCruncher

    WizIQ and TutorCruncher, virtual classrooms, facilitate real-time online tutoring sessions. These platforms offer extensive functionalities, including interactive whiteboards, screen-sharing capabilities, and comprehensive course management features tailored for both tutors and learners.

    These tools enable tutors to create engaging, multimedia-rich lessons and provide personalized feedback and support to their students, fostering a collaborative and dynamic learning environment.

    Source: Fluentu

    Innovative AI Tools in English Language Learning

    The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) has opened up new frontiers in language learning, offering personalized, adaptive, and engaging experiences.

    ChatLingo and Talkio AI

    ChatLingo and Talkio AI are AI-driven platforms that provide conversational practice and personalized tutoring sessions to improve language skills. These tools leverage natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to analyze users' responses, identify areas for improvement, and offer tailored feedback and exercises.

    By simulating real-world conversations and adapting to individual needs, these AI tools offer a convenient and efficient way to enhance fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.

    Job Interview AI

    A study by the British Council found that 3 out of 4 English learners globally target B2 or higher fluency, for professional and academic use. For those seeking to excel in professional settings, tools like Job Interview AI specialize in niche areas like job interview preparation, enhancing both general and business English proficiency. These AI-powered platforms provide mock interviews, targeted feedback, and industry-specific language training, equipping users with the skills to communicate effectively in a professional context.

    Integration of Social and Emotional Learning

    While language proficiency is paramount, effective communication also relies on social and emotional competencies. Top online tutors recognize this need and are integrating task-based learning and translanguaging strategies into their virtual English learning tools.

    Task-based learning involves role-playing real-world scenarios, fostering the practical application of language skills, and promoting critical thinking. Translanguaging, on the other hand, encourages learners to draw upon their entire linguistic repertoire, bridging the gap between their native language and English.

    By incorporating these approaches, virtual tools aim to enhance engagement, cultural awareness, and the ability to navigate diverse social contexts, ultimately preparing learners for successful cross-cultural communication.

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of Virtual English Learning Tools

    To ensure learners are making measurable progress, platforms like LingQ and EnglishClass101 offer robust progress tracking and performance evaluation tools. These tools leverage data analytics and adaptive learning algorithms to identify areas of strength and weakness, providing personalized recommendations and tailoring the learning experience accordingly.

    Furthermore, these platforms offer immersive learning experiences through podcasts, audiobooks, and interactive content, allowing learners to practice their listening and comprehension skills in a diverse range of contexts.

    By continuously evaluating learners' progress and adjusting the curriculum, these tools ensure that the learning journey remains engaging, challenging, and effective.Gamification and Adaptive Learning in Virtual English Tools

    One of the most exciting developments in virtual English learning tools is the integration of gamification and adaptive learning techniques. By incorporating game-like elements such as points, badges, leaderboards, and interactive challenges, these tools make the learning process more engaging and motivating.

    Platforms like Duolingo and Babbel have pioneered the use of gamification in language learning, offering bite-sized lessons, colorful interfaces, and instant feedback that keep learners hooked and motivated to continue their progress.

    Adaptive learning, on the other hand, uses algorithms to analyze a learner's performance and adjust the content and difficulty level accordingly. This personalized approach ensures that learners are consistently challenged at the appropriate level, preventing frustration or boredom and maximizing learning outcomes.

    The combination of gamification and adaptive learning creates a dynamic and immersive learning environment that is tailored to individual needs and preferences, fostering long-term engagement and retention of language skills.

    Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Language Learning

    While still in its early stages, the integration of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies is poised to revolutionize the way we approach language learning. These immersive technologies transport learners into simulated environments, allowing them to practice their language skills in realistic scenarios and contexts.

    VR platforms like Immerse offer virtual language lessons and cultural experiences, enabling learners to explore different countries and engage with native speakers in a safe and controlled environment. By replicating real-world situations, such as ordering food at a restaurant or navigating public transportation, learners can develop practical language skills and build confidence in their ability to communicate effectively.

    AR applications, on the other hand, overlay digital information onto the physical world, providing learners with interactive language lessons and vocabulary exercises in their immediate surroundings. This blending of virtual and real-world elements creates a unique and engaging learning experience that reinforces language concepts through real-time interaction.

    As VR and AR technologies continue to advance, we can expect to see more immersive and interactive language learning solutions that transport learners into fully realized virtual environments, fostering a deeper understanding of language and culture.

    In Conclusion

    In the rapidly evolving landscape of online English education, virtual learning tools have emerged as powerful allies for top tutors and learners alike. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and interactive multimedia, these platforms offer personalized, engaging, and effective learning experiences.

    From AI-driven conversational practice and adaptive learning algorithms to immersive task-based scenarios and progress-tracking tools, virtual English learning tools cater to diverse learning styles, proficiency levels, and educational goals.

    As the demand for online language education continues to soar, these innovative tools are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of English language acquisition, empowering learners worldwide to unlock new opportunities for personal and professional growth.

    Embrace the future of language learning by exploring the virtual tools highlighted in this article. Whether you're a beginner seeking a solid foundation or an advanced learner striving for fluency, these platforms offer a wealth of resources to elevate your English language skills to new heights. Invest in your language journey today and unlock a world of possibilities.


    AI tools provide personalized, 24/7 interactive learning adapted to the user's level through natural language processing and machine learning.

    2. How do virtual tools cater to different learning styles?

    They offer diverse content formats like videos for visual learners, audio for auditory learners, and task-based activities for kinesthetic learners.

    3. Are these tools effective for advanced-level learners?

    Yes, many platforms have advanced courses and specialized industry/professional content for higher proficiency levels.

    Natural Language Processing

    The Natural Language Processing Research Group , established in 1993 , is one of the largest and most successful language processing groups in the UK and has a strong global reputation.

    Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an interdisciplinary field that uses computational methods:

    To investigate the properties of written human language and to model the cognitive mechanisms underlying the understanding and production of written language (scientific focus)

    To develop novel practical applications involving the intelligent processing of written human language by computer (engineering focus) 

    Research Themes Information Access

    Building applications to improve access to information in massive text collections, such as the web, newswires and the scientific literature

    Language Resources and Architectures for NLP

    Providing resources - both data and processing resources - for research and development in NLP. Includes platforms for developing and deploying real world language processing applications, most notably GATE, the General Architecture for Text Engineering.

    Machine Translation

     Building applications to translate automatically between human languages, allowing access to the vast amount of information written in foreign languages and easier communication between speakers of different languages.

    Human-Computer Dialogue Systems Building systems to allow spoken language interaction with computers or embodied conversational agents, with applications in areas such as keyboard-free access to information, games and entertainment, articifial companions. Detection of Reuse and Anomaly

    Investigating techniques for determining when texts or portions of texts have been reused or where portions of text do not fit with surrounding text. These techniques have applications in areas such as plagiarism and authorship detection and in discovery of hidden content.

    Foundational Topics

    Developing applications with human-like capabilities for processing language requires progress in foundational topics in language processing. Areas of interest include: word sense disambiguation, semantics of time and events.

    NLP for social media

    Social Media, Online Disinformation, and Elections: A Quantitative, "Big Data" Perspective. 

    Biomedical Text Processing

    GATE in Biomedical Text Processing

    Core members

    Academic staff

    Senior research staff

    Research staff
  • Ibrahim Abu Farha
  • Mehmet Bakir
  • Dr Emma Barker
  • Amit Gajibhiye
  • Dr Mark Greenwood
  • Wei He
  • Mali Jin
  • Tashin Khan
  • Yue Li
  • Yida Mu
  • Mugdha Pandya
  • Muneerah Patel
  • Oleysa Razuvayevskaya
  • Ian Roberts
  • Iknoor Singh
  • Jake Vasilakes
  • Ahmad Zareie
  • Cass Zhao
  • Visiting staff Publications Academic articles

    Here you can find research publications for the Natural Language Processing Research Group, listed by academic.  The head link navigates to the official web page for the relevant academic (with highlighted favourite publications).  The remaining links navigate to their DBLP author page, their Google Scholar citations page and optionally a self-maintained publications page.

    Academic staff  


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