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While Dreaming Of AI, We Still Don't Fully Understand It

Dr. Son Nguyen is the cofounder & CEO of Neurond AI, a company providing world-class artificial intelligence and data science services.


From the dazzling promise of self-driving cars to AI-driven medical diagnostics that can detect diseases with unprecedented accuracy, AI is undoubtedly reshaping our world in exciting ways, solving problems that used to be impossible.

Yet, despite these advancements, there's a significant gap between our sky-high expectations and AI's current capabilities. While we envision a future where AI can think, reason and even empathize like humans, the reality is more complex. This gap is not just a technical challenge but also a philosophical and ethical one.

As we push the boundaries of what AI can do, we must also understand its limitations and potential risks. In this article, I'll take a more realistic look at AI's current status, exploring the remarkable advancements and significant challenges in the quest for true artificial intelligence.

What Do People Dream Of AI?

Science fiction and the media have greatly formed our thinking about AI. The Terminator films, I, Robot book series, and Westworld TV show describe AI as self-aware robots or machines with human-like intelligence. These stories fuel our imaginations and set high expectations for what AI could become. They make us imagine robots that can think, feel and make decisions like humans.

This dream of advanced AI brings potential benefits. For one, the funding for AI research and development may increase as both governments and private companies invest in its promise to solve complex problems. Additionally, the growing interest of the public in AI can drive educational initiatives, encouraging more people to learn about and work in this exciting field.

The Surprising Reality Of AI

While we expect AI to be seamlessly integrated into our lives, we're still in the early stages of truly understanding and harnessing its full potential. The journey from sci-fi to reality is exciting and filled with incredible opportunities and daunting challenges.

One of the primary limitations is the gap between narrow AI and general AI. Narrow AI, or weak AI, helps perform specific tasks, like recognizing speech, playing chess or recommending products. It can be incredibly effective within its domain but lacks the ability to generalize its knowledge of other tasks.

On the other hand, general, or strong AI, would be able to understand, learn and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks, much like a human. Despite our advancements, we are still far from achieving general AI. Most AI systems we interact with today are examples of narrow AI only.

Data, bias and interoperability challenges in machine learning are also something we must pay attention to. ML algorithms require vast amounts of high-quality, representative data to learn and make accurate predictions. If the data is biased or incomplete, the model will likely produce flawed results.

Surely you haven't forgotten when Google apologized after Gemini, its AI image creator, generated racially diverse Nazis? And how can we ensure similar situations won't happen again? Moreover, many ML models, especially deep learning models, are often seen as "black boxes" as their decision-making processes are not easily interpretable, making it difficult to understand how they arrive at their conclusions. They may also "hallucinate" or invent results.

Last but not least, we must take ethical considerations in AI's development and deployment into account. When unlocking mobile phones with faces, learning languages on Duolingo or asking Siri about the latest weather updates, we submit information to AI systems. They'll learn from this credential data and improve over time. This situation raises significant questions about privacy, consent and fairness. How do we ensure AI systems don't perpetuate existing biases or create new discrimination? How do we protect individuals' privacy?

The difference between human-level AI and the current reality is mainly due to the difficulties in developing artificial general intelligence (AGI). Human intelligence is complex, with logical reasoning, emotional understanding, creativity and social interaction. Replicating these capabilities in a machine is a monumental task. Current AI systems need a lot of data to learn and still struggle with contextual understanding, transfer learning and common-sense reasoning. Plus, ensuring that AGI behaves ethically and safely adds another layer of complexity to its development.

Another major factor is the problem of consciousness. There are philosophical debates about whether machines can possess subjective experiences and self-awareness. Defining consciousness is challenging, and the "hard problem of consciousness"—explaining why and how we have subjective experiences—remains unresolved.

Beyond The Disappointment: The Promise

Although the gap between our AI expectations and reality is undeniable, it's important to remember that this is an ongoing journey. And the potential for AI to eventually reach our imagined capabilities remains strong.

Researchers worldwide are making significant strides in machine learning, natural language processing and neural networks to unlock capabilities that once seemed like science fiction. ChatGPT can answer almost every question and create visual content. Reinforcement learning, transfer learning and advancements in computational power are pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve.

As technology evolves, AI systems are expected to become more adept at understanding context, generalizing knowledge across domains, and exhibiting common sense reasoning. While the philosophical and ethical challenges are complex, ongoing research may bring us closer to creating truly intelligent and conscious machines. The promise of AI lies in its ability to augment human capabilities, solve complicated problems and improve our quality of life.


The journey to achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI) and machine consciousness still presents technical, philosophical, and ethical challenges that require time, patience, and interdisciplinary collaboration. AI advancements are unlike anything we've seen before; even the experts aren't sure exactly how they work. We should stay alert and maintain realistic expectations in AI. Not just limited to hot trends like GenAI or LLMs technologies, remember to keep an open mind to welcome a huge wave of AI from different angles.

With continuous research and development, we can look forward to AI systems that augment human capabilities and improve our quality of life. With a balanced perspective and sustained effort, the dream of creating truly intelligent and conscious machines may one day become a reality.

Forbes Technology Council is an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs and technology executives. Do I qualify?

What Is The Future Of AI In Robotics?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics have become deeply intertwined, leading to significant advancements that have reshaped numerous industries. As AI technology continues to evolve, its integration with robotic systems is set to redefine the future trajectory of automation, manufacturing, healthcare, and various other sectors.

What is the Future of AI in Robotics?

Image Credit: Phonlamai Photo/Shutterstock

Evolution of AI in Robotics

The foundations of AI in robotics date back to the mid-20th century, when early computers first began to process complex algorithms. The 1956 Dartmouth Conference is often recognized as the inception of AI as a field, introducing the concept of artificial intelligence. Meanwhile, the roots of robotics lie in automation and mechanical engineering, with the development of the Unimate, the first industrial robot, in 1961 as a notable milestone.1

Significant advancements in the 1980s and 1990s were characterized by the creation of more advanced AI algorithms and increased computational power. During this time, robotics research concentrated on improving sensory and motor functions, enabling the creation of robots capable of undertaking more complex tasks. In recent years, the convergence of AI and robotics has accelerated, driven by advancements in machine learning (ML), neural networks, and data analytics.1

Core Technologies: The Principles Driving AI in Robotics

The fundamental principles of AI in robotics encompass several core technologies: ML, neural networks, natural language processing (NLP), and computer vision.2 These technologies enable robots to perform tasks with increasing autonomy and sophistication. ML algorithms, for instance, allow robots to adapt to new environments and learn from their experiences, while neural networks support complex decision-making.2

NLP enhances communication between humans and robots, making interactions more intuitive. Computer vision provides robots with the ability to understand and navigate their surroundings, crucial for tasks ranging from autonomous driving to surgical procedures.2

Applications of AI Robotics Autonomous Navigation and Mobility

Autonomous navigation and mobility are among the most significant advancements in AI robotics. AI algorithms, like simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), allow robots to navigate complex environments without human intervention. Companies like Boston Dynamics have pioneered in this area, developing robots like Spot, which can traverse rough terrain and perform tasks autonomously.3

Recent studies have highlighted the use of deep reinforcement learning to improve the decision-making capabilities of autonomous robots. For example, scientists have created an AI platform that enables robots to move around without a predefined map, depending on real-time data analysis instead. This progress significantly improves the adaptability and effectiveness of autonomous robots across different uses, such as search and rescue operations and industrial automation.4

Human-Robot Interaction

The future of AI in robotics heavily relies on improving human-robot interaction (HRI), and effective HRI requires robots to understand and respond to human emotions, commands, and social cues. Advancements in NLP and affective computing are critical in this domain.5

A study published in Meta-Radiology demonstrated the potential of conversational AI models, like OpenAI's GPT-3, in enhancing the communicative abilities of service robots. These models help robots to engage in more natural and context-aware dialogues with humans, facilitating better cooperation and assistance. Improved HRI is crucial for applications such as healthcare, customer service, and personal assistance, where seamless interaction between humans and robots can significantly enhance user experience and efficiency.5

Robotics and AI in Healthcare

AI and robotics have brought about significant changes in healthcare. From performing surgeries to taking care of patients, AI-powered robots have transformed the industry. For example, the da Vinci Surgical System uses AI to improve precision and control during surgeries, while also analyzing past surgical data to enhance outcomes and reduce recovery times.6

Moreover, AI-driven robots are being developed for eldercare and rehabilitation. For example, the Moxi robot assists nurses by performing non-patient-facing tasks, thus allowing healthcare professionals to focus on direct patient care.

Research has indicated that AI robots can significantly reduce the workload of healthcare staff and improve patient satisfaction. These advancements enhance the efficiency of healthcare delivery as well as improve patient outcomes through more precise and reliable interventions.6

AI in Manufacturing and Industry 4.0

The integration of AI into robotics is a crucial aspect of Industry 4.0, the ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices. AI-powered robots are utilized for various tasks like assembly, quality control, and inventory management. These robots use ML algorithms to optimize production processes and reduce operational costs.7

A review published in Sensors emphasized that AI-enabled predictive maintenance can reduce machine downtime, thus significantly enhancing productivity and efficiency in manufacturing plants. Achieved through AI models that analyze sensor data to predict equipment failures before they occur, this predictive capability is transforming manufacturing operations, making them more adaptable and responsive to changing market demands.7

Harvesting Innovation: AI Robotics in Agriculture

Agricultural robotics is another field where AI is making significant strides. AI-powered robots are used for tasks such as planting, weeding, and harvesting. These robots employ computer vision and ML to identify crops, assess their health, and perform precise actions.8

A recent article pubished in the journal Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture reported the development of autonomous drones that use AI to monitor crop health and optimize resource usage. These drones can detect plant diseases early and apply targeted treatments, reducing the need for widespread pesticide use and promoting sustainable farming practices. The application of AI in agriculture enhances productivity and contributes to environmental sustainability by optimizing resource use and minimizing chemical inputs.8

AI and Collaborative Robots (Cobots)

Cobots are designed to work alongside humans in various settings from factories to offices. Unlike traditional industrial robots, cobots are equipped with advanced AI algorithms, which enables them to safely interact with human workers.9

Recent advancements in AI have led to the development of cobots that can learn from their human counterparts through demonstration. A recent study published in Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing showcased a new learning technique where cobots observe human actions and replicate them, improving their ability to perform complex tasks collaboratively. Cobots are increasingly being used in manufacturing, healthcare, and other sectors to enhance productivity and enable more flexible and adaptive work environments.9

Harnessing AI and Machine Learning for Advanced Materials Testing

Challenges and Considerations

Despite significant advancements, AI-powered robotics faces various challenges. One prominent challenge is the issue of data privacy and security. As robots become more integrated into diverse sectors, they collect and process vast amounts of data, raising concerns about data protection and potential misuse.2

Another challenge lies in the ethical implications of AI robotics. Concerns regarding job displacement, algorithmic bias, and the need for transparency in decision-making must be addressed. Ensuring ethical guidelines and regulations for AI robots is crucial to gaining public trust and ensuring responsible deployment.2

Furthermore, the technical limitations of current AI systems pose substantial obstacles. While AI algorithms have made substantial advancements, they still struggle with tasks demanding common-sense reasoning, contextual understanding, and adaptability to unpredictable environments.2

Recent Breakthroughs in AI Robotics

Recent progress in AI robotics has greatly expanded the abilities of autonomous systems. One significant development is the creation of neuromorphic computing, which imitates the neural structure of the human brain. A recent IEEE article illustrated that neuromorphic chips could efficiently process sensory data, enabling robots to react to complex stimuli in real time. This technology enhances the real-time processing and flexibility of robots, allowing them to perform complex tasks in dynamic environments more effectively.10

Additionally, advancements in quantum computing hold promise for the future of AI in robotics. In 2023, a collaboration between Google and NASA showcased how quantum algorithms could process vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds. This study revealed that quantum computing could revolutionize ML and optimization processes in robotics, enhancing decision-making capabilities and operational efficiency. The potential of quantum computing to handle complex computations quickly is set to significantly boost the performance of AI-driven robots.11

Future Prospects and Conclusion

The future of AI in robotics promises transformative changes across multiple sectors. Continued advancements in AI algorithms, sensor technology, and computing power will enhance robots' capabilities, making them more autonomous, efficient, and versatile.

In the coming years, more widespread adoption of AI robots in everyday life can be expected. Autonomous delivery robots, personal assistant robots, and AI-driven machines in various industries will become commonplace. The convergence of AI and robotics will lead to smarter cities, more efficient industrial operations, and improved quality of life.

Nevertheless, achieving this vision necessitates addressing issues like ethical implications, regulatory structures, and the need for ongoing innovation. Collaboration between researchers, policymakers, and industry leaders will be essential to harness the full potential of AI in robotics while mitigating potential risks.

In conclusion, AI's future in robotics has the potential to completely transform everyday life and work. Through continuous research and improvement, robots

For more on robots and AI, check out this article: "AI and Robotics: Advancing Towards Humanoid Assistants".

References and Further Reading
  • Albustanji, R. N.; Elmanaseer, S.; Alkhatib, A. A. A. (2023). Robotics: Five Senses plus One—An Overview. Robotics, 12 (3), 68. DOI: 10.3390/robotics12030068
  • Soori, M.; Arezoo, B.; Dastres, R. (2023). Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Advanced Robotics, A Review. Cogn. Robot. DOI: 10.1016/j.Cogr.2023.04.001
  • Koval, A.; Karlsson, S.; Nikolakopoulos, G. (2022). Experimental evaluation of autonomous map-based Spot navigation in confined environments. Biomim. Intell. Robot. DOI: 10.1016/j.Birob.2022.100035
  • Shuford, J. (2024). Deep Reinforcement Learning Unleashing the Power of AI in Decision-Making. J. Artif. Intell. Gen. Sci. (JAIGS). DOI: 10.60087/jaigs.V1i1.36
  • Nazir, A.; Wang, Z. (2023). A Comprehensive Survey of ChatGPT: Advancements, Applications, Prospects, and Challenges. Meta-Radiology. DOI: 10.1016/j.Metrad.2023.100022
  • Aydınocak, E.U. (2023). Robotics Systems and Healthcare Logistics. Health 4.0 and Medical Supply Chain. Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application. Springer, Singapore. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-99-1818-8_7
  • Huang, Z.; Shen, Y.; Li, J.; Fey, M.; Brecher, C. (2021). A Survey on AI-Driven Digital Twins in Industry 4.0: Smart Manufacturing and Advanced Robotics. Sensors, 21 (19), 6340. DOI: 10.3390/s21196340
  • Subeesh, A.; Mehta, C. R. (2021). Automation and digitization of agriculture using artificial intelligence and internet of things. Artif. Intell. Agric. DOI: 10.1016/j.Aiia.2021.11.004
  • Semeraro, F.; Griffiths, A.; Cangelosi, A. (2023). Human–robot collaboration and machine learning: A systematic review of recent research. Robot. Comput. Manuf. DOI: 10.1016/j.Rcim.2022.102432
  • Aitsam, M.; Davies, S.; Di Nuovo, A. (2022). Neuromorphic Computing for Interactive Robotics: A Systematic Review. IEEE Access. DOI: 10.1109/access.2022.3219440
  • NASA Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (QuAIL) - NASA. NASA, 2023. https://www.Nasa.Gov/intelligent-systems-division/discovery-and-systems-health/nasa-quail  
  • Disclaimer: The views expressed here are those of the author expressed in their private capacity and do not necessarily represent the views of AZoM.Com Limited T/A AZoNetwork the owner and operator of this website. This disclaimer forms part of the Terms and conditions of use of this website.

    What Is Machine Learning?

    By now, many people think they know what machine learning is: You "feed" computers a bunch of "training data" so that they "learn" to do things without our having to specify exactly how. But computers aren't dogs, data isn't kibble, and that previous sentence has way too many air quotes. What does that stuff really mean?

    Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence, which explores how to computationally simulate (or surpass) humanlike intelligence. While some AI techniques (such as expert systems) use other approaches, machine learning drives most of the field's current progress by focusing on one thing: using algorithms to automatically improve the performance of other algorithms.

    Here's how that can work in practice, for a common kind of machine learning called supervised learning. The process begins with a task — say, "recognize cats in photos." The goal is to find a mathematical function that can accomplish the task. This function, which is called the model, will take one kind of numbers as input — in this case, digitized photographs — and transform them into more numbers as output, which might represent labels saying "cat" or "not cat." The model has a basic mathematical form, or shape, that provides some structure for the task, but it's not likely to produce accurate results at first.

    Now it's time to train the model, which is where another kind of algorithm takes over. First, a different mathematical function (called the objective) computes a number representing the current "distance" between the model's outputs and the desired result. Then, the training algorithm uses the objective's distance measurement to adjust the shape of the original model. It doesn't have to "know" anything about what the model represents; it simply nudges parts of the model (called the parameters) in certain mathematical directions that minimize that distance between actual and desired output.

    Once these adjustments are made, the process restarts. The updated model transforms inputs from the training examples into (slightly better) outputs, then the objective function indicates yet another (slightly better) adjustment to the model. And so on, back and forth, back and forth. After enough iterations, the trained model should be able to produce accurate outputs for most of its training examples. And here's the real trick: It should also maintain that performance on new examples of the task, as long as they're not too dissimilar from the training.

    Using one function to repeatedly nudge another function may sound more like busywork than "machine learning." But that's the whole point. Setting this mindless process in motion lets a mathematical approximation of the task emerge automatically, without human beings having to specify which details matter. With efficient algorithms, well-chosen functions and enough examples, machine learning can create powerful computational models that do things we have no idea how to program.

    Classification and prediction tasks — like identifying cats in photos or spam in emails — usually rely on supervised machine learning, which means the training data is already sorted in advance: The photos containing cats, for example, are labeled "cat." The training process shapes a function that can map as much of the input onto its corresponding (known) output as possible. After that, the trained model labels unfamiliar examples.

    Unsupervised learning, meanwhile, finds structure within unlabeled examples, clustering them into groups that are not specified in advance. Content-recommendation systems that learn from a user's past behavior, as well as some object-recognition tasks in computer vision, can rely on unsupervised learning. Some tasks, like the language modeling performed by systems like GPT-4, use clever combinations of supervised and unsupervised techniques known as self- and semi-supervised learning.

    Finally, reinforcement learning shapes a function by using a reward signal instead of examples of desired results. By maximizing this reward through trial and error, a model can improve its performance on dynamic, sequential tasks like playing games (like chess and Go) or controlling the behavior of real and virtual agents (like self-driving cars or chatbots).

    To put these approaches into practice, researchers use a variety of exotic-sounding algorithms, from kernel machines to Q-learning. But since the 2010s, artificial neural networks have taken center stage. These algorithms — so named because their basic shape is inspired by the connections between brain cells — have succeeded at many complex tasks once considered impractical. Large language models, which use machine learning to predict the next word (or word fragment) in a string of text, are built with "deep" neural networks with billions or even trillions of parameters.

    But even these behemoths, like all machine learning models, are just functions at heart — mathematical shapes. In the right context, they can be extremely powerful tools, but they also have familiar weaknesses. An "overfitted" model fits its training examples so snugly that it can't reliably generalize, like a cat-recognizing system that fails when a photo is turned upside-down. Biases in data can be amplified by the training process, leading to distorted — or even unjust — results. And even when a model does work, it's not always clear why. (Deep learning algorithms are particularly plagued by this "interpretability" problem.)

    Still, the process itself is easy to recognize. Deep down, these machines all learn the same way: back and forth, back and forth.


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