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The 10 Coolest AI Tools And GenAI Products Of 2023

The 10 Coolest AI Tools And GenAI Products Of 2023CRN

From Amazon Bedrock and Google Vertex AI to Salesforce Einstein GPT and OpenAI's GPT-4, CRN breaks down the 10 coolest AI tools and GenAI products of 2023.

Artificial intelligence tools flooded the market in 2023 with generative AI becoming the most popular topic of discussion throughout the entire IT industry as many of the largest tech companies on the planet poured billions into the technology.

The boom in AI is boosting various IT industries—from cloud computing and chips to the most popular collaboration products.

IT research firm Gartner predicts that over 80 percent of enterprises will have used GenAI APIs and models and/or deployed GenAI-enabled applications in production environments, up from less than 5 percent in early 2023.

"Generative and other types of AI offer new opportunities and drive several trends," said Chris Howard distinguished vice president analyst and chief of research at Gartner in a recent report. "But deriving business value from the durable use of AI requires a disciplined approach to widespread adoption along with attention to the risks."

[Related: Google To Invest Millions In AI Chatbot Star Character.AI]

Top AI Products, Tools And LLMs In 2023

The coolest new AI products in the market this year are helping businesses become more productive and efficient by speeding up a wide variety of tasks and use cases.

Large language models (LLMs) like Microsoft 365 Copilot, Google Bard and OpenAI's GPT-4 can be used to generate code, translate customer documentation, create marketing materials, answer questions and develop new product ideas.

Other hot artificial intelligent tools like Amazon Bedrock makes GenAI models accessible through an API, while Google's Vertex AI Platform provides purpose-built MLOps tools for data scientist and machine learning engineers to automate, standardize and manage AI projects.

It appears that the possibilities and use cases for GenAI increase with every new version and iteration with the largest tech companies on Earth—such as Google, Microsoft and Amazon—spending billions on building new AI tools. The most talked about startups across the globe right now are AI startups like Anthropic.

CRN breaks down the 10 hottest AI tools of 2023 that every business, channel partner, investor and user should know about as GenAI looks to transform the world.

Google Vertex AI

One of Google's biggest AI launches ever is its Vertex AI platform that provides purpose-built MLOps tools for data scientist and machine learning engineers to automate, standardize and manage AI projects.

The company touts that Vertex AI offers everything customers need to build and use GenAI—from AI solutions to Google Search to over 100 foundation models, in a unified AI platform. It includes a set of data residency controls and gives developers full observability on the prediction performance and resource utilization of their custom AI/ML models.

Vertex AI allows customers to train and deploy ML models and AI applications, while also customizing LLMs for use in AI-powered applications. Users can choose from a wide variety of Google, third-party and open-source models. Overall, the platform combines data engineering, data science, and ML engineering workflows to enable teams to collaborate using a common toolset and scale applications using the benefits of Google Cloud.

Amazon Bedrock

Launched this year, Amazon Bedrock makes generative AI models from Amazon and third-party model providers accessible through an API.

Customers can customize AI models with their proprietary data using techniques like fine-tuning and retrieval augmented generation. Customers can also create managed agents that execute complex business tasks—from booking travel and processing insurance claims to creating ad campaigns and managing inventory—all without writing any code.

Bedrock became generally available in September. It offers foundation models from AI companies including AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta and Stability AI. Bedrock offers a broad set of capabilities users need to build generative AI applications while maintaining privacy and security.

Since Amazon Bedrock is serverless, customers don't need to manage any infrastructure, and can securely integrate and deploy generative AI capabilities into their applications using familiar the AWS services.

OpenAI GPT-4

The popularity of OpenAI's ChatGPT fundamentally shifted the IT landscape to focus on generative AI in 2023 and beyond. Launched in March, OpenAI's LLM GPT-4 is more creative and collaborative compared to previous versions. It can generate, edit and iterate with users on technical and creative writing tasks.

GPT-4, which stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer version four, is pre-trained using both public data and data licensed from third-party providers, while also being fine-tined for policy compliance. The goal is to drive work efficiency and creativity for users, performing helpful tasks such as generating code and writing emails.

The upcoming enhanced version, GPT-4 Turbo, has been trained with up-to-date information in 2023 and has a 128K context window which enables more thoughtful responses.

Microsoft 365 Copilot

On Nov. 1, Microsoft 365 Copilot for enterprise customers became generally available, enabling partners and customers more access to Microsoft's generative AI tools. Copilot is an AI assistant that helps customers with tasks across Microsoft's productivity applications including Teams, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and Loop.

Copilot can create draft proposals, prepare demonstrations, summarize emails and write documents, to name a few use cases. The goal is for customers to collaborate more effectively and increased employee productivity. Customers must buy at least 300 seats of M365 Copilot to use it with M365 Copilot costing $30 per user per month.

In October, Microsoft opened an early access program for Security Copilot, which promises to use GenAI for better protection of organizations and speed up security teamwork.

Salesforce Einstein GPT

Salesforce's new AI-powered tool Einstein GPT helps businesses improve their customer relationship management (CRM) efforts right within the Salesforce platform. It combines Salesforce's CRM platform with OpenAI's GPT-3.

Salesforce Einstein GPT, which has been integrated with many of the company's most popular products including Slack, can unlock valuable data insights, create human-like text and improved sentiment analysis for customers.

The AI tool combines public and private AI models with CRM data. This allows users to ask natural-language prompts directly within Salesforce CRM with AI-generated results that continuously adapts to changing customer information and needs.

The most significant use cases for Salesforce Einstein GPT are around costs savings by automating processes and optimizing resources, capturing data-driven insights for quick decision making, and improving employee efficiency and productivity.

Google Cloud's Duet AI

Duet AI is Google Cloud's generative AI tool that helps customers write applications, query data, create code and protect customers security and data privacy.

Through a natural language chat interface, users can quickly chat with Duet AI to get answers to cloud questions or receive guidance on best practices. Duet AI is specifically trained on Google Cloud content like docs, sample code, and best practices. The AI tool can also suggest paths to solve application code challenges and provide expert guidance.

Duet AI serves as an expert pair programmer and assists users with contextual code completion, offering suggestions tuned to a customer's code base, generating entire functions in real time, and assisting with code reviews and inspections.

Duet AI was injected to both Google Workspace and Google Cloud Platform this year, leveraging the Vertex AI platform to provide AI assistance while keeping data private at secure on GCP.

Anthropic Claude 2

Launched in July, Claude 2 is Anthropic's newest general-purpose LLM and the most capable systems released by the AI startup superstar to date. It now powers Anthropic's popular Claude AI chatbot.

Claude 2 has improved performance and longer responses compared to Anthropic's previous AI model, Claude 1.3, in terms of its ability to write code based on written instructions and the size of its context window. Claude 2 and can be accessed via API as well as a new public-facing website claude.Ai. There are several versions of Claude 2, including Claude 2 API for businesses and a its Claude AI chatbot.

To fine tune the model, Anthropic reinforcement learning with human feedback as well as constitutional AI, which is a technique to make prompt responses less harmful. Anthropic said instead of humans fine tuning the model with feedback, Claude 2 can fine tunes itself.

ChatSpot (HubSpot)

ChatSpot is an AI-powered assistant that combines ChatGPT and GPT-4 with HubSpot's data sources and CRM software platform.

The AI chatbot allows users to perform tasks such as creating custom reports and marketing messages, summarize HubSpot data, and add contacts to the CRM. Inside ChatSpot, users can find suggested generative AI, sales, marketing and research prompts that drive productivity and sales efforts.

A few features inside ChatSpot includes prospecting templates that allow users to quickly identify key opportunities for outreach, create AI generated images, SEO expertise and helps IT reams dive deeper into company data such as technologies used, funding rounds and locations.

Amazon CodeWhisperer

CodeWhisperer is an AI-powered code generation tool that can generate entire functions and classes based on natural language prompts. It can also be used to scan code for security vulnerabilities and automatically generate suggesions based on existing code and comments.

CodeWhisperer is trained on billions of lines of code and can generate code suggestions ranging from snippets to full functions in real-time. The tool can flag or filter code suggestions that resemble open-source training data.

Amazon AI tool can scan code to detect hard-to-find vulnerabilities and get code suggestions to remediate them instantly. This allows customers to align to best practices for tacking security vulnerabilities.

Customers can also customize CodeWhisperer to create more relevant recommendations by making it aware of APIs, packages and internal libraries to accelerate development. Users can select from 15 programming languages including Java, Python and JavaScript.

Google Bard

Google Bard is conversational generative AI tool that acts like an AI collaborator to help boost Google Workspace portfolio, which includes Gmail, Docs, Drive, Meet, Chat, Sheets, Slides and more.

The goal of Bard to boost customer productivity and accelerate creativity from the powerful large language model (LLM). Bard has similar capabilities to ChatGPT but with a bigger focus on accuracy and reliability, Google says. Bard can automate the work of scheduling meeting on Gmail, generate code for website layout, write content, and answer questions via Google Search, to name a few use cases.

Bard Extensions allows users to link their Google services and applications together to find relevant information and answers from Gmail, Docs, Drive, Maps, YouTube and more, even when the information needed is spread across multiple apps and services.

The Military Applications Of Artificial Intelligence In Space

China's Tiangong Space Station

People's Daily

Space has long been a critical domain of military operations. But its importance is about to be amplified as artificial intelligence (AI) enables a spectrum of operations never before possible. AI, and the form of warfare it enables, Hyperwar, is more generally reshaping how nations approach military strategy and operations. The impact can be felt everywhere: from enhancing situational awareness and sensor augmentation to predictive maintenance and driving autonomous decision-making.

Let's take a closer look at the race for dominance in the application of AI to military space applications.

First, let's ask the obvious question. Why is space important? For one, it is the ultimate "high ground." But the concept of space as a strategic domain also aligns with Sun Tzu's ancient principles of warfare. In "The Art of War," Sun Tzu says, "As a military force has no constant formation, water has no constant shape: the ability to gain victory by changing and adapting according to the opponent is called genius." This ancient principle finds modern application at orbital altitudes, where space assets provide both the information advantage and the response flexibility for forces acting in all domains to adapt rapidly. Satellites offer critical advantages in intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), allowing military formations to know first, detect first, respond first, and remain ever-ready. Indeed, the very nature of space assets embodies Sun Tzu's concept of adaptability. They enable a constant state of preparedness and the ability to swiftly adjust to changing situations. With the integration of AI to fuse sensors in novel ways, extract intelligence autonomously and build predictive models of what they observe, space assets become an even greater force multiplier.

Consider the pursuit of enhanced situational awareness. In the United States, Sentient Vision Systems is pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Their ViDAR AI system, capable of detecting targets invisible to human operators or conventional radar, is a good example of how AI can bolster human capabilities in space operations.

Research at Monash University in Australia has focused on integrating deep learning models to process satellite images, significantly enhancing the speed and accuracy of detecting changes in images of objects obtained from space. These autonomous "pattern of life" detection algorithms are becoming more and more sophisticated, providing greater insight and deeper introspection. Not only do these capabilities automate previously human analysis, thus scaling operations, they also pick up changes which were hard to detect previously, thus delivering qualitative enhancement.

China, too, is pushing forward in this area via efforts taken by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) to employ AI for analyzing satellite imagery and space debris tracking. The technology that tracks space debris can, of course, also be used to track any other type of object in orbit.

AI-driven decision-making is perhaps where the most significant changes are occurring. The U.S. Space Force is now beginning to utilize AI to accelerate decision cycles and improve strategic planning. By analyzing space-sourced datasets, AI systems can predict potential threats and optimize response strategies, delivering the adaptability Sun Tzu praised. It's no surprise that this effort too, is being mirrored in China. Researchers at Tsinghua University have developed machine learning algorithms to process large volumes of satellite data, supporting rapid decision-making and potentially enhancing military operational efficiency.

The X-37 is the United States' reusable, robotic spacecraft.


The application of AI in predictive maintenance and maneuvering of space assets is another valuable area of investigation. The U.S. Space Operations Command (SpOC) plans to employ AI and machine learning to forecast maintenance needs, reducing downtime and enhancing efficiency. Researchers at MIT have developed models that predict satellite pattern of life. Deviations in these predictive models can indicate issues or unwelcome interventions encountered by the satellites. In China, similar advancements are being made at the Harbin Institute of Technology, focusing on AI-based predictive analytics to anticipate maintenance needs and ensure continuous operational availability of satellites.

Autonomous spacecraft and satellites are not a nice to have like an autonomous car might be. They are a must have. Distances quickly become vast once we leave the upper atmosphere. And this means significant latency for any control signals. In order to act fast, spacecraft have to act on their own. As an example of this autonomy, the U.S. Space Force is exploring AI technologies that allow satellites to adjust their own orbits and avoid potential collisions. In China, researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences are using reinforcement learning techniques to improve satellite autonomy.

Cybersecurity in space operations is another area where AI is making significant inroads. At Cyber Command in the United States, AI systems are utilized to identify and counter cyber threats in real-time. China too is developing similar AI-driven cybersecurity systems, with research from the National University of Defense Technology emphasizing AI's ability to detect anomalies and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive space networks.

AI also has a role in facilitating better integration with allied forces. The U.S. Space Force collaborates with international partners to share AI-driven insights and intelligence. China, like the US, has recognized this potential advantage. Research being conducted at the PLA Academy of Military Science is exploring AI frameworks that enable seamless data sharing and operational coordination among Chinese and allied forces. Recent Chinese space missions such as Chang'e-6, launched on May 3, 2024, have involved the participation of multiple partner nations.

China has already established a deep space communications network and AI-driven optimization of this space-based communications backbone could be crucial for military networks. Advanced AI algorithms can manage and optimize satellite communications, handle routing and re-routing. In fact, research underway at Shanghai Jiao Tong University focuses on AI-driven communication protocols to improve the resilience and efficiency of satellite networks.

Across all these areas of application, the concept of data-driven warfare looms large. Both the United States and China are leveraging AI to manage and analyze vast amounts of data, providing timely and precise intelligence crucial for successful space missions as well as multi-domain operations enabled by space assets. There are already concrete examples of research that are aimed at cementing these advantages. Researchers at Peking University are developing AI systems that synthesize intelligence from diverse data sources, enhancing visual intelligence and reasoning as well as working on autonomy; all areas that are eminently applicable to data-centric warfare.

The integration of AI into military space operations represents a shift in how nations approach space strategy. As we've seen, this is a global phenomenon, with countries like the United States and China at the forefront, but many others joining the race. The implications of long-term autonomous systems in space, imbued with a multi-spectral view of Earth, and self-contained decision making are far-reaching. They necessarily connect with issues of national security, international cooperation, and the very nature of warfare itself. As we said earlier, space is the highest "high ground." The decisions we make today about how we partner with other nations, and how we invest in AI in military space operations, will shape the geopolitical landscape for decades to come.

We must balance the pursuit of technological advantages with considerations of global stability. Rapid weaponization of space and any refusal on the part of major powers to keep global interests at the forefront as they push the art of the possible, can and will lead to instability. What's certain is that the space race of the 21st century is not just about getting to claim a first for the sake of publicity and perception. This is not about putting a man on the moon mainly to say we put a man on the moon. This time, it's about tangible strategic benefits. And it is undeniable that many of the most important benefits are in the military domain.

Replit AI Offers Easy Way For Anyone To Build Apps

Replit Agent Builder

Ever wondered if there's a way to build an app without needing to be a coding wizard? What if you could simply describe your idea in plain English and watch it come to life? Enter Replit Agent Builder, an AI-powered tool designed to make software development accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical expertise. By understanding natural language prompts, this innovative tool assists in creating both the front end and back end of applications.

The Replit Agent Builder, a groundbreaking AI-driven tool designed to transform the way developers create applications. This powerful tool uses advanced natural language understanding capabilities to assist developers in building applications, making software development more accessible and efficient for professionals of all skill levels.

Replit Agent Builder

TL;DR Key Takeaways :

  • Replit AI introduces the Replit Agent Builder, an AI-driven tool for accessible app development.
  • Transforms software development by interpreting natural language prompts for front-end and back-end creation.
  • Supports multiple programming languages with editable plans and transparent progress tracking.
  • Includes demonstrations and examples to enhance user experience and learning.
  • Simplifies deployment with automated server and database configurations for cross-platform usability.
  • Available via subscription at $25 per month, offering a cost-effective solution compared to alternatives.
  • Requires Replit Core plan for access, with additional resources like a prompt gallery for guidance.
  • Encourages community engagement through platforms like Patreon, Twitter, and Discord for support and updates.
  • By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, this AI tool transforms the way developers approach application creation. With its ability to interpret natural language prompts, the Replit Agent Builder enables developers to effortlessly construct complete applications, regardless of the complexity or scope of the project.

    Whether you're working on a visually stunning music visualizer, an engaging word game, or any other type of application, the Replit Agent Builder guides you through every step of the development process. From designing intuitive user interfaces to implementing robust back-end functionality, this tool provides comprehensive support and assistance, empowering developers to bring their ideas to life with unprecedented ease.

    A Comprehensive Suite of Features and Capabilities

    The Replit Agent Builder features an impressive array of features and capabilities that cater to the diverse needs of software developers. One of its standout features is its multi-language support, allowing developers to work in their preferred programming language. Whether you're proficient in Python, JavaScript, Ruby, or any other popular language, the Replit Agent Builder seamlessly adapts to your coding preferences, ensuring a smooth and efficient development experience.

    In addition to its language flexibility, the Replit Agent Builder offers:

  • Editable plans that enable developers to customize and fine-tune their projects
  • Transparent progress tracking, providing real-time insights into the development process
  • Detailed explanations of its actions, serving as a valuable learning resource for developers of all levels
  • These features not only streamline the development workflow but also foster a deeper understanding of the underlying principles and best practices in software development.

    Replit AI Application Builder

    Here are a selection of other articles from our extensive library of content you may find of interest on the subject of AI tools :

    Elevating the User Experience

    The Replit Agent Builder is designed with the user experience at its core. By providing a user-friendly interface and intuitive workflows, this tool empowers developers to create applications quickly and efficiently. The tool includes a rich collection of demonstrations and examples, showcasing its versatility and ability to build a wide range of applications across various domains.

    Moreover, the Replit Agent Builder actively seeks and incorporates user feedback to continuously improve its functionality and usability. By listening to the needs and experiences of real-world developers, Replit AI ensures that the tool evolves and adapts to meet the ever-changing demands of the software development landscape.

    Seamless Deployment and Cross-Platform Accessibility

    Deploying applications to the cloud can often be a complex and time-consuming process. However, with the Replit Agent Builder, deployment becomes a breeze. The tool automates the configuration of servers and databases, eliminating the need for manual setup and reducing the risk of errors. This streamlined deployment process allows developers to focus on what they do best—building innovative applications.

    Furthermore, the Replit Agent Builder is designed with cross-platform compatibility in mind. Whether you prefer to work on a desktop computer or a mobile device, the tool ensures a seamless and consistent experience across different platforms. This flexibility enables developers to work on their projects anytime, anywhere, without being tied to a specific device or operating system.

    Affordable Pricing and Competitive Alternatives

    The Replit Agent Builder is offered through a subscription model, with a competitive price point of $25 per month. Compared to other AI-assisted development tools like Claud Dev and Cursor Composer, the Replit Agent Builder provides a cost-effective solution without compromising on features or functionality.

    While the Replit Agent Builder has garnered positive user feedback for its capabilities and ease of use, it's important to consider alternative tools and evaluate their strengths and limitations based on your specific development needs and preferences.

    Embarking on Your Replit Agent Builder Journey

    To start using the power of the Replit Agent Builder, you'll need to subscribe to the Replit Core plan. Once subscribed, you'll gain access to a comprehensive prompt gallery, which serves as a valuable resource for inspiration and guidance as you embark on your development projects.

    In addition to exploring the Replit Agent Builder, it's worthwhile to investigate other free tools and alternatives available in the market. By familiarizing yourself with a range of options, you can make informed decisions and select the tools that best align with your development goals and workflow preferences.

    Engaging with the Replit AI Community

    Replit AI fosters a vibrant and supportive community of developers, encouraging engagement through various platforms such as Patreon, Twitter, and Discord. By connecting with the Replit AI community, you can:

  • Access dedicated support channels for troubleshooting and guidance
  • Explore consulting services to accelerate your development projects
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest AI news and advancements in the field
  • Engaging with the community not only provides valuable resources and support but also allows you to collaborate with like-minded developers, share knowledge, and contribute to the ongoing evolution of AI-driven software development.

    The Replit Agent Builder represents a significant milestone in the realm of software development tools. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, this tool simplifies and accelerates the application development process, making it more accessible and efficient for developers of all skill levels. With its comprehensive features, user-friendly experience, and robust community support, the Replit Agent Builder is poised to become an indispensable asset for developers seeking to streamline their workflow and unlock new possibilities in software creation.

    Media Credit: WorldofAI

    Filed Under: AI, Technology News

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